[@mdk], I prefer my looters shot on sight unless they surrender immediately, regardless of race, age, gender, orientation and the like; I am not one to discriminate. I can understand a desire to act on opportunity where one might get something for free, especially with no real consequence or opposition, but raiding another person's place of work or home is not exactly excusable. This is compounded and made worse by the fact that it is fairly overt opportunistic behavior. They [i]had[/i] a chance to evacuate preemptively or to seek aid from actual sources or just asking others. As expected, the majority of the looting that goes on is not even for essential items - those being food, water, and medicine - usually it is your high value electronics, clothes, jewelry, so on and so forth. I do not enjoy making excuses for people, so I choose not to. Looters haven't many excuses to begin with and given the events of Harvey where they fired upon rescuers in some cases, no less tried to rob them as well, my limited sympathy for their "plight" is strained to the point where I do not exactly take issue with people defending their claims, or those of others, with deadly force.