[quote=@LordDeadpool] [hider= plan B]Name: He calls him self Tartarus, though this is not his true name. He keeps his true name hidden for reasons known only to him Race: Vampire Gender: Male Age: 847 years Appearance: Tartarus stands at 1.95m in height, his hear is shoulder length and is a jet black color and is always in a pony tail. His eyes, due to him being a vampire, are a shade of red and are cat like in appearance, due to this he always has black sunglasses on, be it in or out side. Physically he appears rather slender do to his height, though this can be misleading as he is rather strong, his skin is ghostly pale. He can be seen at all times wearing black pants, black shoes, a red vest with a cross hanging off it, black shirt with a red tie, and over all of this he wears a black coat with a red handkerchief neatly sticking out of the left pocket on the coat and a pair of black leather gloves, along with this ensemble he always has a silvery cane that has a cobra shaped handle at the top (If you don't want to read throw all of this just look at the pic bellow) [hider=How he looks]https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fd2%2Fdf%2Fff%2Fd2dfff7c4b1c9bacfb60d37c1eac4a06--count-dracula-vampire-art.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.co.uk%2Fexplore%2Fvampire-art%2F&docid=_f6j80gixurRxM&tbnid=YEAkqAnXzC6AEM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjZs9XY75XWAhVCDJoKHWV9C0gQMwgwKAowCg..i&w=736&h=960&bih=648&biw=1366&q=modern%20day%20vampire%20art&ved=0ahUKEwjZs9XY75XWAhVCDJoKHWV9C0gQMwgwKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=960&imgdii=YEAkqAnXzC6AEM:&vet=10ahUKEwjZs9XY75XWAhVCDJoKHWV9C0gQMwgwKAowCg..i&w=736[/hider] Magic: Schools: Mana:18 Lightning: 17 Spirit:20 Mental:20 Technique: Due to his vampiric nature and having centuries of time, he was able to perfect his skills to a razors edge. His most preferred tools are that of the spirit and the mind, though he is well versed with lightning as well. His preference for the magics of spirit and mind stem from his nature as a vampire, as vampires are more likely to create illusions and tricks of the mind then anything else. The centuries of time he has had, he has used well; he can walk among a crowd of people, with out them even releasing that he is there, even if they do come in contact with him physically, they will not see him but someone else a man, woman or child or otherwise. Though should you buy some unknown reason ever be able to see past the illusions, the only thing you will remember is that you where knocked down buy some one passing buy and continue on your way, though you might also find a small burn hear and there from something that looked like tiny hands, though you would not know if they where tiny hands Abilities: Because of his nature as a vampire he has grate strength, speed and agility that is only matched buy the elves. Along with this he is able to transform in to a number of animals, ranging from hawk's and owls to wolfs and cats, though he prefers to transform in to wolfs and owls. Though due to being a vampire he is highly susceptible to the sun as all vampires are, adding to this he is also week to silver, the myth that holy water can damage and even kill a vampire is just a story made by the Christian church, the most it will do is annoy them at best Skills: Tartarus is a phenomenal violinist, as he finds it to be an elegant instrument that takes grate heart to play, or in his case a lack of a beating heart. He is also an expert on fine vines Bio: Vampires, vampir (slavic pronunciation), sanguine, night horrors... they have bin called by many names but are best known as vampires. Vampires have bin hiding among men for as long as they have existed, walking side by side with them, using them as both food and as servants. Vampires are one of the rare races that have meddled in the affairs of men, influencing some of the events from history from the shadows. The darkest time for vampires was the aptly named Dark ages, where both witches, heretics and everything else they could get there hands on was hunted, tried and killed... though some times just hunted and killed. It was during this time period that vampires started to recede back into the shadows from where they could quietly observe and influence events and not be exposed to direct prosecution, and that's how it remained till the divine war. In the time be for the war, a council of six grate vampire clans was made to lead them all, and on the head of that council where twelve ancient vampire, of the twelve ancients, only six remain. Buy the start of the divine war, the vampire population was at half a billion strong, buy the end of the war, it numbered barely four million total globally. And where was Tartarus in all of this? Well, he was a part of one of the six grate clans that made up the council, though there are only two of the six grate clans left, his clan was the first one to be destroyed in the war, though some how Tartarus was able to survive the slaughter with a handful of others and hide. It was at the end of the war that he met Arthur Wick and learned of his plans. From that time on, Tartarus has bin acting as the professor of illusion and spiritual magic at the school. And what of his past? Well he dos admit him self that he dos not really recall all of it or from where exactly he is from, though he dos recall that he is from somewhere in Europe. (As it stands, I opted to make a new character and drop Dendrin as I do not STILL have enough info on the dwarf race, you are free to use him as you will. I opted to do this cos I new I would have a bid more leeway to work with. Hears hoping this one gos throw. I might add some stuff later if this app gos throw tho) [/hider] [@neogreggory] [@Myr] [@Cruallassar] [/quote] I see no evident problem with Tartarus. I admit that I wish his magic was a bit more unique, I have this fancy magic system specifically so that people can blend things and come up with interesting new takes on magic but I won't fault Tartarus for sticking with the classics. That said, I would ask you refrain from being rude to Myr, as he was just giving you information. Never be rude to someone who is trying to help you, frankly refrain from such things in general, but especially refrain from being rude to those who gift you with knowledge. Anyways, I am not very good at examining and judging things, especially characters so while Tartarus does have the okay in my book I would hear from my three Co-GMs their thoughts on the matter.