[@TheWindel][@KoL] I know, I'm weird and definitely the minority, but I'll take a CP or CTF over TDM any day. I like having to plan out and strategize having more thought put into actions so that a victory feels earned. While there are a lot of kinks and issues trying something like this in an RP format (as we've already seen in the past) I'm willing to keep trying and experimenting if others are. As for the PS, I don't usually say much only because 90% of the time I'm at work when discussions such as this pop up and it's hard to write anything quickly enough to really participate. Like right now it's taken me over 30 minutes to get this reply out, not to mention I don't have access to Discord here either. So by the time I get home or have a break, the topic is either resolved or dropped and I ain't gonna stir any pots or reopen wounds around here.