[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/L1ZXR4zm.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][img][/img][h1][color=00FF7f]Leblanc Farris[/color][/h1] [b][center][color=gray] [[ Location : Enemy Encampment]] [/color][/center][/b][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Her expectations were subverted in two substantial regards, and Leblanc was pleased to find neither of them were due to the fault of the cadets trailing in her wake. First was the unexpected escape of what appeared to her to be captured cadets if there Vassals and antipathy to their captors war anything to go by, the second was a monster infinitely more threatening then the flock of Rocs they'd encountered the day before. She'd stiffened in the shadows and fell to a knee with a cry drowned out by the monster's own as her attuned hearing came back to bite her with a disorienting flare of pain. By some small miracle there were ample cadets crawling out of the woodwork to confront the clear and present danger before them, and thus it seemed to have no reason to target her in a moment's weakness. That was all she needed to gather her wits about her and adjust her senses for the frantic cacophony of combat, unwilling to expose herself to such a blunder in the future. As she rose from the dirt her hand brushed across a loose brick, fallen from it's brethren and chipped at the corners, yet still sporting an oddly satisfying weight to it. With the air soon to fill with arrows, bolts, and musket balls it would have been the height of stupidity to dart in with her knives and hope to dodge both the enemy and ally with impunity. A harsh kick to the decrepit masonry knocked loose several more in what Leblanc took in the way of ammunition, and she rose to full height with brick in each hand. Her body twisted as though a screw, arms whirling and embracing herself with near impossible dexterity, only to unwind with a snap and hurl her impromptu projectiles as though shot-puts aimed at the creature's bulging neck.