"[color=00a651][b]GET OUTTA DA WAY! I HATE IT WHEN THERE'S TRAFFIK JAMS ON DA ZOGGIN' BATTLEFIELD![/b][/color]" Roared the Ork driver of another Wartrakk as he pushed past the burning wreckage of one of the other Ork vehicles that went, exhaust and mud spilling everywhere behind him and painting the wall of the building! Situated on the back of the wartrakk was another Ork, this one manning a mounted dual-seated, quad-headed Ork rokkit launcher, with eight mismatched and janky looking Ork rockets now pointed at the bunker! As soon as the half-ruined bunker became visible across the rain soaked battlefield, the gunner would already let out an enthusiastic roar as he pushed the ignition button, causing 7 of the Ork rokkits to fly straight towards the bunker, with the 8th flying off to the side and blowing up a random machine statue! Yet as the Rokkits rapidly closed in on the bunker, the occupants could feel an unearthly sensation gush through the fortification that almost clawed at their insides; before in a flash, a bright, purple barrier appeared before the bunker! The rokkits collided into the front of the glowing psychic barrier head on, exploding in a series of roars that shook the bunker but left the building and the occupants themselves unscratched, if a little more deaf, and the shimmering barrier passed away as quickly as it had appeared. From within the back of the bunker, Adrianne had stepped forward; her hand outstretched and motes of pink and violet drifting in the air around her. The visors of her skull mask passed the group, the purple fading in them, before she spoke: "[color=a187be]I sense a great psychic commotion all around us. We should finish up this fight soon before more Greenskin decide to join in on the fun.[/color]" "[color=39b54a][b]GET ME CLOSAH, GET ME CLOSAH![/b][/color]" From outside the bunker, the loud roaring of a large Ork could be heard, as driving into the courtyard outside the bunker now littered with burning vehicles was the last Ork war buggy, its front tilted upwards for some reason. The reason would soon show itself however as the war buggy turned around, revealing a large, Ork Nob sitting in the back of the war buggy, clad in super heavy armor and whose sheer mass threatened to break the suspension of the rickety Ork vehicle at any moment! "[color=00a651]You stooopid grotz can't even take out a simple 'humie bunkah! Dat's just sad, dat is![/color]" The Ork grumbled as he jumped off the back of the war buggy to face the bunker, raising his overly-weaponized arms; his right arms consisting of an armored gauntlet with three oversized dakkaguns welded onto it with multiple belt feeds running to his backpack, and twin-mounted flames decorating his left armor. "[color=39b54a]Good thing Toof Dakka-Armz is 'ere tha show you gitz how its done![/color]" The Nob, Toof Dakka-Armz, then raised his right arm towards the bunker; a brief grin passing on what was visible of his ugly face behind his armored plates. [h3]"[color=39b54a]WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAGGHHH![/color]"[/h3] Toof let our a feral roar that was quickly drowned out by the sheer voluminous fire from his tri-mounted dakkaguns, that unleashed a truly unholy amount of sheer firepower on the bunker! Although the vast majority of the shots missed and flew wild, hundreds of rounds inevitably managed to find the bunker, shooting dirt and concrete all around and forcing anyone in its path to dive for cover! The Ork Nob laughed, shooting his firethrower wildly around in the air for fun as he began to slowly advance through the mud, his metal boots sinking deep into the rain soaked ground as the air around the superheated barrels of his guns became filled with steam whenever the rain landed on the glowing barrels.