Well this was ... odd. Colton tilted his head just slightly as he eyed the two girls who had come up to the table, at first not having really paid attention until one of them addressed him. At least, he assumed she addressed him from her words and the vague look in his direction. A blindfold would mean she couldn’t see, yet somehow the woman talked as though she could. Her comment about fake legs had his gaze flicked down, taking in her own furry goat legs before dragging his eyes back up – it was only polite. “Yes ma’am, you’re right about that,” The naga intoned with a slight incline of his head. It seemed she could somehow see so might as well act like it. Her next line about his scales reaffirmed that, and he gave her a bit of a rogueish grin. “Thank you. It’s rare I get to show them off to others.” Colton’s tail rattled again, slower and less aggressive. His ees roamed along the less eye catching of the two, and he tried to suppress the shudder and vibration of his tail from the feeling of wrong that permeated him. Instead he nodded to the cup in the other girl’s hand, commenting lightly. “Don’t feel like ya need to drink. Too early in the night for me to start, too. I was just askin’ if there was a vending machine around here,” A slight shrug. “I dunno if a place this ... fancy, would have one though.”