Reggie inspected the letter carefully. It had the official seal of the Company. That meant that, unfortunately, the Orc was with them. Ricardo went past him, letter in hand. Reignald nodded when he saw the letter and turned to Malkai. [color=a36209]"Alright, seems like your papers are in order. Welcome to the..err..Virtuous Company."[/color] Reignald was starting to get frustrated. Between the drunken dancing, the singing and the playing, the place resembled more of a bar than it did a military elite unit. There was also the whole business with the panicked sailors, the vice capatin naming, and the itnernal quarreling between the members of the party. He should've known since the tavern that this was not going to be an easy group. Reignald turned to Fiers who had started playing the lute. Alya had taken to play her own melody, and Malkai was dancing spasmodically around the dock. Elsie suddenly spoke up. [color=FFE700]"Why are the juniors talking about Vice-Captain Hartwine? Is there something I've not been told?"[/color] [color=007236] “Really bard? Are you trying to say you, of all people, somehow managed to miss what’s got to be the biggest ego-stroke in recent memory?” [/color] Reignald made a slight hand gesture signaling Elsie to let him speak. [color=a36209]"Yes, Hartwine. You have been named Vice captain. Which means that a) You take orders from me. b) This men are now your responsibility. You are an official of the Virtuous Company" [/color]Reignal started raising his voice to put it above the sound of the lute. [color=a36209]"So will you start acting like it?"[/color] No more Sir Reignald the nice. He smiled at Alya and softly pointed at her flute [color=a36209]"Just one second."[/color] He then cleared his throat and raised his voice, trying to get everyones attention. [color=a36209]Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?[/color]