[@Yomojo] [color=8882be]Right right,[/color] Hueco nodded, scolding himself. He was really curious and would love to research further, but after all, this wasn't a research mission. This was about diplomacy. [color=8882be][i]I'd love to get a closer look at this Amalgamate... Was he originally human shaped or was he a different shape until he met the King?[/i][/color] Hueco said, staring at their greeter, his animal ears twitching curiously. [color=8882be]How long has the Radiance been around?[/color] Hueco asked the plant Amalgamate, not quite expecting an answer, considering its difficulty speaking. He just had to ask something to break the silence. But, despite not expecting one, he received an answer. [color=fdc68a]Long...[/color] It replied, as the elevator doors opened to the top floor, the three finally reached their destination. [color=fdc68a]Formed not by The King. But by the Khan. They are our leaders...[/color] He said as he lead the two further down the hall. The top floor of the apartment consisted of only a few rooms. Only available to those rich enough to afford it; made Hueco wonder just what the Radiance's finances were like. At the mention of the Khan, Hueco seemed to go into thought, putting a hand to his chin... He heard that name before.