[h2]Johanna Faust and Assassin[/h2] "Isolated? I suppose that if I come across a strangely hard to approach area tomorrow whilst tracing the leylines, then we will have confirmed the residence of one Magus--perhaps not a participant in this war, yet certainly a magus to place their home somewhere so spiritually significant," the Enforcer responded, thinking. Certainly, any obfuscated house suggested a magus--particularly if one resisted the attempts of the magically inclined to find it, rather than some former-magus' home. A convergence of leylines would certainly confirm it, "I shall inform you of my findings around this time tomorrow--but where should we meet?" There, some leverage for the woman. A trap-free meeting place of her choosing should she wish to further this alliance. Now cleaned up, Assassin returned to leaning into her Master for support, continuing to warily eye the much larger woman. It was bizarre for a stranger to be so [i]nice[/i] and not disparaging that she didn't know what to think... she would just listen for Mother's instructions. Mother would know best with this sort of person, right? She only knew what to do with clearly evil ones...