When the launch pad triggered Hansa fired with his boots for an extra boost off it. He figured the further he could go, the less ground to cover. “Oh Yeah! Whoo!” Hansa’s excitement grew as he soared through the air. His ears flapped in the wind as he twisted around and fired in the air to get more distance. He started to focus more on slowing his descent. He aimed for landing up in the branches but he misfired as he was landing and snapped the branch. “Crap!” He landed with a roll as he quickly moved against a tree. His ears would twitch and rotate looking for sounds of both students and Grimm. “Its oddly quiet…” Hansa mumbled to himself. He shrugged and jumped up into the tree. “Oh well! I have a mission! Find a partner and a relic!” He started to move from branch to branch hoping to catch a glimpse of the forest temple better from up in the trees also easier to spot and avoid danger.