[hider=Garanin Stonehewer] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/82/6e/ad/826ead51cef304ab052c9906f1375898--fantasy-rpg-warhammer-fantasy.jpg [/img] [b]Character Name:[/b] Garanin Stonehewer [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Chosen School of Magic:[/b] Enchantment, Restoration [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Appearance:[/b] Garanin is a dwarf, and as such, he’s a short and stout little man. He stands at about 4’5” and weighs in around 160 pounds in smallclothes. He keeps his hair slightly shorter than seen above. His eyes are a vibrant shade of emerald green. Clothing-wise, Garanin prefers to wear unassuming clothes, typically favoring earth tones and clothing that keeps most of his rather hairy body covered. This comes from his preference for wearing armor, which he often keeps some pieces of with him. It’s not unusual for him to walk around casually with a breastplate on his chest. Every now and again, he’ll be seen with just a pauldron or a gauntlet on one arm. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Magical Talents:[/b] Enchantment [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Destruction, Illusion, Alteration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Personality:[/b] Garanin’s a decent enough fellow as long as you give him a chance to get to know you. Unfortunately for some, he’s also extremely crass from his time as a soldier. Dark humor, casual insults between friends, and a generally strict demeanor makes him stand out quite a bit from even a slightly formal crowd. He can behave like a lifelong friend, slinging casual japes and downing ale one moment, to standing at attention and barking like a trained dog the next. He describes his behaviorisms as his two ‘modes’: Serious and Not-Serious. When he gets serious about something, he’s Serious: steadfast to perhaps even a point of bullheadedness, and determined to get the job done right. When he’s not so serious…he’s Not Serious. Very much at all. He’ll joke about nearly anything from that ugly mole on his back to your latest failure at wooing a lovely tavern wench, expecting as much in return as he gives. He treats his friends with great care, willing to go to near any lengths to defend them, but he also holds those he considers dear to him to high standards. Cheating, hurting the innocent, and otherwise acting like a “big shittin’ bell-end” will get Garanin on your case pretty darn quickly. [b]Character Flaws:[/b] He holds grudges for quite a while, as an opposite to his stalwart loyalty to his friends, he’s not likely to forgive a betrayal quickly. He can also take his seriousness (or lack thereof) a bit too far at times, which makes him seem a bit two-faced to some people. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Character History:[/b] Garanin is a soldier. Even now, at the Grand Arcanium, he considers himself a soldier above all else. If his people were, say, to fall under attack by some terrible marauders, he would be as likely to abandon his position at the Academy as he would be to stay. It would certainly depend upon the circumstances, but if ordered to, he would leave without a second thought. It’s a good thing he’s officially on an extended leave while he learns the ways of Enchantment magic. His goal at the Arcanium is simply that: he is here to learn how to become a grand enchanter. When he first realized he held the Dwarven Gift, he reported to his Commander and asked what to do. That’s why he’s here now. All of Garanin’s life up until very recently has been that of a soldier. He’s far from the greatest legendary hero in a fight, but he’s able to put any untrained whelp into the ground as well. His tutelage in magic is far behind what might be expected of a student of the Arcanium, but he believes his raw talent and drive to learn Enchantment will be reason enough to keep him around. [/hider]