[center][h1][color=#20B2AA]Zach Kozel:[/color] [color=00a99d]Sp[/color][color=yellow]Farce[/color]'s Apartment's Alley[/h1] [@Banana][@Spiffy][@eklispe][/center] Zach had to slow himself every so often to not pass Judah, trying to stay orderly in their steady progression through the building and then the alley. An old TV awaited them, showing a young woman sitting in a chair. It was Troll, a well known member of the villain community, as well as [i]the[/i] Community. As if to make even more puns then the villain normally did, she reference their name and presented a hostage. They would sit and listen, apparently, or the hostage would die. Something about it didn't sit right, in more ways than the obvious 'this is a trap' reason. She could read insecurities, a type of cold reading, but better at catching the details that might fall through the cracks, Did she know then how badly he wanted to stop the game before she could even play it? He wanted so badly to kill the hostage, and to play the game in reverse. Remove the time limits, the threat, the anxiety from the conversation, and see her advantage whittled down to nothing. The twins made their decision before he could, sitting down. Seeming strained, Zach sat down as well, throwing his hoodie over his head to hide himself in the shadows it provided. He knew that would be a sign, and he was tempted to make it an even more obvious sign by making a rude gesture. He didn't though, he played nice as he expected his compatriots wanted him to. As he settled down, he reflected a bit, realizing how bad it would be to actually kill this innocent hostage for no other reason than the fact she'd be introduced to the fray. He justified it quietly, reminding himself that he never would have actually done it, but instead the thought was a reflection of their current situation. The justification didn't sit quite right, but he would manage regardless.