[quote=@hagroden] [s]Sorry for double post[/s] Unless Shamir is able to get range on Kyvir, it won't be a very fair fight. Shamir is likely to be a lot faster than Kyvir, but Kyvir is pretty light on his feet for the mountain he is. That, plus Shamir is an "Average" swordsman, whereas Kyvir is only alive because he was the best fighter Surthay could produce. Right now, the only people I'm seeing that could take him on would be Alexander, Garuda, or obviously, Isilfarrel. However, with that all being said, his greatest weakness is his loyalty. Unless ordered to do otherwise by Isilfarrel, he won't attack or get into fights with people. Even if someone picks a fight with him, he will play it defensively and do little [i]actual[/i] damage to them, only doing enough to stop them from continuing to attack him. [/quote] Garuda might actually befriend both Isilfarrel and Kyvir, since they are both powerful. Though that might depend if they actually show determination in a real duel, which I think only Isilfarrel satisfied it. Talking about match-ups, it's kind of cool to think about it. Garuda vs Kyvir would be the most exciting, since they are all close-quartered capable, and even powerful in that regards. Garuda excels at midrange, good at close range, but normally cant finish off close, since the ball would inflict damage on himself also (he could actually beat his opponent up with his explosive balls and then finish off close, or just deal with them without the ball, if they aren't that powerful). So a Kyvir vs Garuda would be intense. Garuda vs Isilfarrel. It would be second most interesting, since it's more calculative than a close up brawl, like how to lure the enemy into the trap, and how much magic will I need kind of thing. Garuda vs Alexander. Both is a counter to each other, so if one could maintain their advantages, it's a bad day for the other. But who knows. Against Shamir...well his magical prowess is no match for Garuda, since he's a support kind of magic, while Garuda is a direct combat one, but he can go swordfighting with Garuda. And he can also be creative in his approach, though I don't know how smart he is. So it might not be fair, but if you want to show progression that you have improved, and be the underdog, beating or drawing him in an even match, then I will be willing to go with your demand. I know I know, Garuda is probably the most powerful character speaking generally, but that's the whole idea of this character: be a rival. So that initially weaker characters can improve and beat him. If there aren't any powerful characters and anyone's the same, it will be boring. And it may be fun writing his prideful characteristics EDIT: I think I will write a fight myself as an opening post, against an NPC student I create, to give a general idea of his style of battling