[center][h2]Jericho Joranis|Friend or Genuine Foe[/h2][/center] Jericho shrugged, pulling it back towards him as it tries to jerk away and digging the barrel of his N7 Eagle into it's back, discouraging further attempts at a rather short lived escape. "Other than grunts as it's tried to pull away and run, none. Of course, grunts are a pretty good indicator." Making it sit, the bounty hunter looks around and grimaces at the scene. They'd also, if he'd heard right as he was walking up, lost the Quarian Pathfinder, which wasn't exactly great for the moral of those they'd come to rescue. Still, with one of the enemy in custody, perhaps they could right any wrongs the Ark's crash landing had caused and that brought him back to the pathfinder in front of him, his Phalanx's barrel resting against the head of their prisoner, which seemed to make it realize it's continual escape attempts were ill-conceived if it wanted to live. "So, where are we going to be discussing things with our new friend?"