Valerie looked back at the odd boy out, Nero, and a shiver went down her spine. Just looking at him left her feeling like a cornered animal. [color=BlueViolet][i]"We're supposed to be okay with... that?"[/i][/color] she wondered, confused and a little scared. It's one thing for a guy to attend an all-girls school, but she wasn't even convinced that such a mundane word could apply to Nero. She felt a twinge of pity and concern for whatever student wound up rooming with him. [color=BlueViolet][i]"I mean, the headmistress did say to treat him like any other girl, so she plans to treat him like everyone else, right? How is this even okay?"[/i][/color] Valerie grabbed all her concerns, stuffed them into a box marked "Non-essentials," and resolved to deal with them at a later time. Maybe nothing would come of this announcement, maybe the school would be hit by a meteor; who knew, right? She tore her eyes away from what was, admittedly, the most interesting thing about today and focused on following the headmistress through another orientation. [color=BlueViolet][i]"New headmistress, new policy, same routine,"[/i][/color] she mused.