Aldrich struggled to sit up, more from exhaustion than anything else. "I think I'll just need a bit of help to get on my horse, then I'll be fine." Once he was up he immediately grabbed a cloth that was hanging at his belt and started to clean his sword. The magnificent blade began to shine again the the blood and dirt was wiped off of it. "Nice to see no one died in our first battle. Maybe we have a future as a team. Now what I want to know is why the goblins wanted to capture one of us. From what I know of goblins, they usually aren't the planning types, so someone must have put them up to this. I don't know what kinds of enemies you people have, but if its one of mine we are in some serious trouble. But I believe that is not the case, because they did not specify, so someone wants to know what we are doing." Aldrich sincerely hoped he was wrong, because being chased isn't very fun. He would know.