[quote]"Of course, one of the theories that rings most true in our community is that what we do can be taught. Merlin, Franz Mezmer, John Snow, Joan of Arc... and do not mistake my focus on examples from Western cultures for some queer distribution of magical genes. Magic is a human birthright. For every score of peoples... in every history... from every culture... you will find mages among those remarkable. The subtleties of our traditions informed their decisions. They go quietly into our past, some failed, some successful... but each of them stands as an example of what it truly means to work for The Guild. We accentuate and inform sciences. We beget benevolence within fields of study and practice that need it. We provide hints of stability where momentum can carry it to fruition. And, as the world shakes, you can find each and every enemy to our cause.They act in uncoordinated concert, playing to the worst impulses man might indulge. Find an engine for power, with rules made to fail, and you will as likely find a foolish man as a seed of the Corpus. We mages are as few in number as any time in recorded history. Our influences on civilization have spiraled well and fully out of our control. And every year, I swear, it is fucking Animal Farm. Look from man to pig and pig to man. Even we are losing track of which is which." - Magus Nwabudike Laal, Guild Master Archivist[/quote] Would things like this be acceptable? Not as IC posts, but just as little submissions to flesh out present day ideas about how things wound up the way they are.