[@Rune_Alchemist] Her quarters took some time to find, the hallway was expansive with finely lined furniture and carpeting. The walls were lined with fine wood framing large arches that expanded upward to support the structure of the hall. Doors lined both sides of the hall, every time Isilfarrel looked in their direction a string of letters burned on the door designating who it belonged to. A spell that was the handiwork of the Headmistress herself without a doubt. The doors were no more than 6ft apart from each other in any given stretch of the hall. Eventually she found her room very deep in the hallway, it took quite some time to walk to it. The door was a chestnut brown, made of the finest wood she had ever seen outside her homeland, and a finely designed door knob that was shaped in the form of a fae cradling a glowing rose with it's wings making the curve of the handle that fit almost to perfection in her hand. If she looked about, it was clear every door had a specially designed handle, one she saw was in the shape of a falcon's head, another in the form of a scorpion making the curve with it's claws and tail. Clearly only the finest craftsman could have designed these doors, and it filled her with a sensation of fine expectation. But as she shifted the door into and open position, it stopped not even half way in the swing. Upon inspection, some of her luggage was in the way. With some effort she managed to push it out of the way to see that her room was overcrowded with her belongings, stuffed in an unorganized fashion to the best of the staffs ability to put it all in. It was underwhelmingly small, containing merely a small shelf space for some books built into her wall, a desk also built into the wall that had an oil lamp placed nicely on the right close to it's edge, a window placed dead across from the door with no curtains, and a bed that took up only enough space to allow the door to swing open. Upon some inspection, the book case pulled open to reveal a small place for clothing storage. But besides a small storage shelf above her bed, this was the entire room. With her things stuffed in, she hardly had enough room to step into it let alone lay down on the bed. It was high quality furniture, the chair was well upholstered and comfortable looking, along with the bed that looked quite soft as her belongings sank into it as if it were embracing the objects with it's entire being. But she wouldn't be able to move the chair back very far at all without bumping into the bed, making it nearly impossible to get into the chair from the side with only a few inches to slide her way into it. It was obvious that this room was standard issue as she could hear noise from above her and from her side. It was truly the finest room that roughly 8 ft could accommodate. Though it was rumored the third years had very fine rooms, evident by the farther distance apart the doors on the right of the hall were.