[@vietmyke] To be honest I had mostly balanced the character around the idea that they are far above average in mechanical skill, and literally, have devoted their entire life to robotics and technology. He's given up everything else just to make these robots, which he makes for anarchistic revenge. So literally these drones are a man's life's work. To the character machines and computers are everything. They are all that he does. He probably couldn't even tell how your lungs work or why the sky is blue (though it's probably smog gray here isn't it). He's narrowed down everything into making drones. As for remote control, I hadn't considered that. Partially due to the fact that I mostly want to play the drone, not the character. If anything the character is fluff background to make the drone work. I'm fully willing to flesh out that background, but that's what the character is they are the background for the drone. If they were any less they'd be a well developed NPC. Otherwise, I simply was working under the notion the drone usually functions under an AI protocol for everyday functions and following orders of the other mavericks. I was debating on if it was purely just a robot or if I'd see if we got in Asimov territory, so I guess I could mention that idea now. Could this be a somewhat learning AI? As for interference, I'm sure it could be hacked, but it'd probably need to be physically hacked into. I guess in retrospect drone does imply remote control, usually if it isn't autonomous is added.