[b]ASHLYN YOUNG, the first victim.[/b] [hider=Ashlyn Young] [img]https://preview.ibb.co/kYCow5/image.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Ashlyn May Young [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 125 Lbs [b]Job/Career:[/b] Registered Nurse Practinioner at Saving Grace Hospital in Downtown Seattle, Washington. [b]Personality:[/b] A lively individual, Ashlyn always seems to make the best of things and maintain a sunny disposition. She nearly always wears a smile and even on the worst days finds pleasures and positive vibes. She is admired and well liked by most of her coworkers and neighbors back home alike. She has many close friends, one of which lives in her neighborhood. Even with her generally busy schedule at the hospital, she seems to always find time to experience the joys of life and spend adequate time with her friends and family alike. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Ashlyn Young grew up comfortably in an upper middle class family from northern Seattle. She made above average grades in junior high school and high school alike, and performed well enough academically to get into college. Her grades actually were bolstered in college, and she graduated with her RNP degree and immediately went to work at a local Seattle hospital, i.e Saving Grace Hospital. Ashlyn never played any sports in high school or college, nor was she really involved in extra curricular activities or clubs. However, she had an active social life and still does, and has a wide range of friends. One of her closest friends lives in her neighborhood, and they have been very good friends for over two years now, ever since Ashlyn first moved into the neighborhood. They've went to the movies together, went out to dinner together, visited each others' homes, and so forth, as one would expect from such a pair. [/hider]