[center][img]http://statici.behindthevoiceactors.com/behindthevoiceactors/_img/chars/wayne-haas-deus-ex-human-revolution-6.46.jpg[/img] [h3]Haas[/h3][/center] [hr] Greetings, Federation. I am Wayne Haas, Commissioner of the Thadus Colonial Police. As of 0800 this morning, negotiations with Anita Police union officials and the colonial government broke down, and the police union declared a strike. This has turned Anita into a lawless zone, and already panic, looting, and rioting has been reported in the city centers. We need the Federation to get to Anita and restore order. The Thadus Colonial Government will be dispensing bonuses on bounties collected, and a percentage of fines issued over the course of the operation. We hope to have negotiations back on track and concluded as soon as possible, but be prepared to be policing for several months. The Federation will get full use of TCP stations and cruisers but I'm afraid we can offer little else in way of support. We ask that all mercenaries in the field study police protocol and procedure prior to the mission, as well. Looking forward to working with you, Federation. I'm available if for any questions or concerns.