"What do you mean?" [i][b]You were called the Gemini of the gods, deemed as such by the brilliant gems in your bodies while being hurled into the Planes by forced experimentation with Blackstaff’s methods of projection and cloning. In essence, you became Astral twins of your Material selves, planar travelers employed to halt the Spellplague. However, your failure swallowed you up by the brunt of its rude awakening, severing your silvery links to your body, and returning to the dimension from whence you came.[/b][/i] [hider=A flash of knowledge of Silverymoon floods Eve's mind while contemplating the fourth answer.] Before she passed, High Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon founded a mutual defense league of the region. Her son Methrammer Aeresume came to head a more diminished company. The dwarves of Adbar, MithraI Hall, and Felbarr parted ways with the others, unwilling to compromise defenses after the Spellplague. They remain powerful allies, though, but no longer reliable. Silverymoon's famed magical wards of protection faltered with Mystra's death and have not regained their original luster. With regards to magical advancements, the schools of necromancy, transmutation, conjuration and illusion have prospered. Unifying their breadth in efforts to resurrect and revitalize the time before the Spellplague. Another strident of thought assaults Eve as she ponders about the city nearest by. Waterdeep has suffered since The Year of the Silent Death (1395 DR), when many saw the Putrescent Anathema unleashed from Stump Bog, northeast of the city, to spread sickness and pestilence throughout the region. The temple-farm of Goldenfields was hit particularly hard by the Plaguebringer's blight. The loss of Waterdeep's primary supply of grain coupled with the swift spread of disease devastated the city's citizenry. Primarily the poor, who died in the thousands. [/hider] [@Ms Ravenwinter][@corneredbliss]