Rebeca smiled and waved him off. “Have fun,” she chuckled. “Us girls will be just fine here on our own.” Bea likewise waved him off with a smile. “We can find plenty of things to entertain ourselves.” [Center]《》《》[/center] Will noticed the tension in her at his question. He hadn't meant to freak her out any. “Only if you're strictly kosher,” he said with a shrug that was so very casual. “And that's only gonna be a problem for you.” He chuckled softly, leaning back against the workbench, digging into the pocket of his jacket for his cigarettes. “But otherwise, I don’t care what you are or who to pray to. My life choices aren’t always socially acceptable either, so I ain’t got any room to judge anyone.” He gave up his search and pushed himself upright again. “Well, I guess I’d care if you were trying to kill me or something, but otherwise, don’t care. You smoke?”