[center][h2][color=9e0b0f]Emil Burton[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Left Flank, Trost District[/center][center][@Jinxer][@wolverbells][/center][center]-----[/center] Emil found himself saluting the officer in charge of the rallying of the cadets and moving into formation as if he were on autopilot. Everything was moving so fast, everything was happening too quickly and he couldn't make sense of it all. He quietly listened as the officer began a speech about what the cadets would be doing, [color=9e0b0f][i]'A delaying force for the elite in the back...'[/i][/color] he thoguht to himself before cursing under his breath at what it really meant they were, then came the sound, the massive crash followed by smaller bangs as pieces of the wall rained down on Trost behind him. He noticed Jade looking his way, which for a moment broke him out of his own mind. He waved at Jade and gave her a sad smile, the kind that people give others when they won't see them for a while, before he turned his attention back to the officer in charge. The officers seemed to have moved into high gear and for good reason. They began barking orders as more Garrison members ran from their barracks and took to the air in the background as they double timed toward the wall, to their uncertain futures. Assigned to the same squad as Lauren and with three cadets that he had seen a few times but never actually bothered to get to know them. Lauren walked over to them and laid down what seemed to be a solid plan as well as tried to rouse the other three out of their states of shock. The plan itself was alright, although how well a plan holds up in the face of the Titans was a problem that would probably show up in the not so distant future. [color=9e0b0f]"Right then, yeah, let's get this over with."[/color] he said calmly before following her to the gas stations with the other three close in tow. After filling their tanks they made their way to their designated position atop a building on the left flank. As soon as they were there Emil turned back to the young boy that Lauren had chosen earlier, he pointed toward a clock tower some two blocks back and nodded his head toward it, "Don't let us get surprised.", the boy shook his head sheepishly and shot off for the clock tower. That over with he turned back to Lauren and moved close to her before lowering his voice to a whisper, [color=9e0b0f]"You realize we're the expendable shield, our deaths are just to buy time... Wanting to survive and actually surviving are two very different and unrelated things."[/color] he motioned with a nod of his head to the group of two scared cadets on the other side of the roof top behind him, [color=9e0b0f]"Your words, as heartfelt as they were, aren't going to save those two if they get into some serious trouble with a titan, and it won't save you either."[/color] he paused as he looked off along the rooftops, in the distance there was smoke and the ever present low thuds of the titans, but he couldn't see any yet which had to be a good sign. He thought on those in the middle, Gabriel and Tanner, they'd be directly in the line of the titans advance. Suicide. He had faith that if anything Tanner could escape the bloodbath if it came to it, but the boy wouldn't be able to hold out on his own. As for Gabriel, Emil already knew what fate awaited him, even with Tanner there it was clear what the outcome in the middle would be for his fellow cadets. Even on the flanks it was almost certain the cadets would be overwhelmed and slaughtered wholesale before this was all over. [color=9e0b0f]"You do the distracting, I do the slashing. Don't get in over your head when this starts and if it gets really bad, which we both know it will, we get the fuck out of here and regroup, Cadet Medic."[/color] he said as he pushed his elbow into the taller girls side to try and lighten the mood at least a little.