[@71452K] Well, the thing is, he's choosing you out of hedonism, not prophecy. No one is his [i]chosen[/i], everyone is simply his [u]entertainment[/u]. He sees more entertainment value in certain individuals over others, sure, but please don't think this is going to devolve into one of those "the prophecy of the chosen one will be fulfilled" tales. Thank you though, for comparing my antagonist to a "lame kratos wannabe". As for your question, I don't see why it would not be feasible should your character be strong enough to contribute to the storyline, but it would have to be within certain parameters. Interaction amongst Warriors and "the non-pimped" is rare, and typically results in someone dying, so there would have to be a very good reason for your character's presence within the storyline. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to look into it further.