Hey, I've seen your wonderful work and decided to ask for a little avatar/signature combo as well, if it's not a bother. [hider] [b]Image link:[/b] I've tried searching for quality hd images, but couldn't exactly find one. Here are some ideas, though: [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/6/63/Minato_Namikaze_%28Infobox_-_Parte_I%29.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20141127124321&path-prefix=pt-br]One[/url], [url=https://orig08.deviantart.net/548f/f/2013/029/5/e/minato_namikaze___naruto___render_by_obedragon-d5t5udm.png]two[/url] and [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NmcwgwuJOck/UqI_SQt-WXI/AAAAAAAAByE/SwKWTQpCujU/s1600/render+minato+namikaze+1.png]three[/url]. [b]Format:[/b] Avatar and Signature [b]Size:[/b] Avatar: 150x200 | Signature... I'm not sure, any sort of rectangle format will be good. [b]Text:[/b] None. [b]Extra:[/b] The character is Minato Namikaze from Naruto. Any 'wind-ish' effect would be highly appreciated, but that's not really necessary. I'm 100% sure it will be pretty good, I've seen your art around. XD [b]Watermark:[/b] No. I'll of course add reference and a link to this thread![/hider]