The songstress felt the gazes of the others come and go as she played her flute. In the background she heard the others complain and shout about Fiers among other things, their voices seeming to be murmurs as if they were far away. She could feel her magicks ebb and flow as she played, perhaps everyone was feeling a little disgruntled by her emotions? Or perhaps more annoyed by Fiers constant antics? [color=a36209]"Just one second."[/color] The words seemed to pierce through the music that filled her ears. Taking the flute away from her lips, the soft tunes faded, the magic of song disappearing with it. She breathed out a soft, inaudible sigh as Fiers' continued to speak boorishly as Reignald asked for everyone's attention. R'Ornn's sudden outburst made her jump in surprised. She never expected such a small body to have such a powerful voice. As he covered himself in the coil of rope, Alya quietly stepped over to him, crouching down next to the Savolin. She hesitated for a moment before reaching her hand out, patting his head gently. She felt a little guilty now. Perhaps she should stop playing music on such a whim? Of course she'd never remember such a thing.