[@Too Old 4 This] I'm actually working on a list in the Characters Section but between managing the forum, talking with friends, and running another rp It's a bit slow going honestly. I promise it's getting done though I'm just kinda glossing over a lot of the bio details and the otters are going to just be named with no CS attatched. The more important they are the longer their parts are gonna be which means I have a looooooota work ahead of me to write out summaries of every teacher and what they teach as well as a hand full of important 2nd and 3rd years that will act as mentors and potential antagonists in some places yeah. Honestly I just need to sit down and hammer as much of it out as I can, and I'll be doing that a lot today so you guys can start @'ing me when you want to interact with a specific teacher or student... Or otter I suppose. Until I have a full list, just @ me when you need a rundown of a location's current standing as far as npc's and I'll let you know who's there, especially since I want you to learn who these people are as the rp moves along for one reason or another but I encourage some exploration. The Arcanium is a big place, and it even may have a few... Secrets...