[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4B27bPA.png[/img] [h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria[/color][/h3][/center] More long and tedious travel was in store for Fran as she continued to lay illusions behind for anyone unfortunate enough to come across them. As she traveled she thought about that book she read and the power it promised. That Fenrir character almost seemed too good to be true, with all that power just hidden away. But as Fran continued onwards and really put her mind to it, perhaps Fenrir was too good to be true. For starters she’d have to somehow get to Heaven without being found. Easier said than done, since Fran could easily use her illusions to go disguised among the machina, but less effective against Heaven’s wards. Not to mention anything that has been “sealed for thousands of years” is also probably not in the best shape to fight. Maybe Fran just chose a bad time to apply logic, but if she’s been lazing about in prison for a thousand hours, she wouldn’t be in any state to brawl even if she got freed right after. And there was still issues about if this Fenrir creature did exist and was as powerful as the book said he was. Frankly all sorts of creatures from lore and elsewhere existed in the Nexus, but not all of them were like how the stories depicted. Sometimes this just took the form of having different powers, sometimes this was just completely inaccurate. Fenrir was supposedly a being powerful enough to eat the gods themselves, and so was sealed away a thousand years ago to prevent that from happening. But a lot has happened in a thousand years, so maybe “eating the gods” isn’t nearly as impressive as what the gods can do now, or perhaps they already figured out a way to survive that. Either way Fran came to a slow halt. Fran’s own plan was about as pointless as this battle. They were only here to defend it because the angels and machina brought their armies to take it. Fran failed to see what exactly most of these dead spirits could provide them, since it’s not as if they need an infinite amount of foot soldiers. Landing on the ground Fran examined some of the tombs and wondered to herself. [color=goldenrod]”Well. Maybe one of these corpses knows something worth learning.”[/color] Fran had no stake in this battle and didn’t see its importance in the long run. Fran’s own loyalty to Hell was tenuous at best, since she’s only with Hell as she doubts other factions would want Fran. Fran has a reason to avoid hell and frankly she doesn’t trust the Machina not to just enslave demons despite their promises of cooperation. And unlike Henry, Fran didn’t have the same level of spite to betray the demons selfishly. Or at least she hasn't found a good reason to betray them selfishly. [color=goldenrod]”Since I’m here, I may as well try and learn something from it.”[/color] Fran continued northeast towards the angel Victoire mentioned, though this time Fran was also looking for any interesting undead spirits who might have something worth Fran’s time. Most shouldn’t be bothering the demons roaming about, but the few who are may be of use to the succubus. If nothing else she could use minions to throw into the path of some weapon or another. Or trigger the multitude of traps that fester these catacombs. [color=goldenrod]”And maybe one might actually know something important.”[/color] As Fran flew through the catacombs she picked up another telepathic message from Victoire. Mostly boasting that the graveyard now belonged to the demons of hell, which Fran figured they already were. Either this was meant to demoralize the enemy or convince them that Victoire's secret weapon was ready and made them act rash. Either was fine for Fran, as she still needed to get to the enemy in the first place. Taking a detour to the surface Fran, while still maintaining her invisibility, took a more direct path towards the northeast that didn't involve winding passage ways. This ought to get her to her destination more quickly as well as let her see if anything more interesting then old traps and rocky walls. Maybe some actual undead or something.