[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170914/3c54f3fd725b227dcbb28645f9664e9a.png[/img] [color=fdc68a]"[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm8xIo_2Aok]Crash and burn[/url], young and loaded"[/color][/center] It was a [i]terrible[/i]. A [i]disaster[/i]. [i]Practically the apocalypse![/i] Today was Ruby's first time meeting her team and she was [i]late[/i]. She absolutely had to make a good first impression on her first day as a full-fledged member of the S-Division, but she had gotten homesick the night before and called her mother, and of course they talked for a long time, and [i]then[/i] her brothers came home from a soccer game, so she [i]had[/i] to talk to them too, and the time just got away from her! She ended up going to bed so late that she slept through her alarm. After she noticed the time and frantically flailed out of bed, she got dressed in record time, even replacing her usual flannel with a dark green bomber jacket (because she wanted to look nice, of course). She didn't have enough time to tie up her hair, so she bundled it all under a beanie, hoping she would have time to do it once she got to work (hopefully before Akko woke up). Ruby practically [i]flew[/i] out of her apartment and raced toward the headquarters, narrowly dodging various pedestrians and almost getting hit by [i]multiple[/i] cars. She eventually reached her destination, quickly swiping her badge and running like The Flash himself through the halls. She remembered her hair and started trying to tie it up. She noticed a group of people, and shortly after, noticed that they were the people she was looking for. Before she could knock them over like bowling pins, she skidded to a stop, her sneakers squeaking on the floor. She stared at the group of men, quickly becoming aware of her appearance. She was sloppily-dressed, clearly sleep-deprived, with only half of her hair tied into one single pigtail, and the other half moving around and trying to pull her in some other direction. [color=fdc68a]"Hi! Ruby Leoz. Nice to meet you all!"[/color] So much for making a good first impression.