Garanin's peaceful slumber was rudefully disturbed by the sound of a bolt of lightning crashing, forcing him up to his feet within moments. "Arrrh, what are ye-Oh." His grumbling cut short by him remembering where he was, Garanin at least had the decency to rub the back of his neck in apology. "Sorry 'bout that." Yes, awake they were, now if not before. Garanin hardly paid attention to the others around him as the tour began in earnest, though he [i]did[/i] notice a male tiefling and a female elf who seemed to be glued at the waist to each other. [i]Oh-ho-hoooo, little lassy's got 'erself a bodyguard, does she? Must be somebody important.[/i] The sight of the library was particularly impressive, a storehouse of knowledge grander than many castles had within them. He hoped to find a wealth of knowledge on enchantment, or else his time would have been wasted. Surely there would be dozens of tomes on the Dwarves' Gift, though? There had to be! And knowing that each book in the Arcanium was unique was important knowledge in and of itself: it meant that if you needed something, you couldn't dilly-dally when it came to actually [i]getting[/i] it, lest some other student whisk it away before you even came looking for it. As the tour continued, Garanin found himself dismayed at the fact that there would be magic duels. It made sense, but hearing it was especially unfortunate. He could hardly make a sword or shield glow in the black of night, how would he be able to keep up with [i]that[/i] kind of power? There was no way, and he knew that he couldn't get by on pure combat skills: each of the other students likely had enough experience with magic to cast a few dangerous spells, and even one could spell his defeat if he got hit. And he doubted that anybody would take kindly to him breaking somebody's ribcage with his warhammer, even if it could be healed. He'd likely have to force a submission if he wanted to win. They were dismissed shortly after the duel and given directions to where their rooms would be located. Slowly ambling along, Garanin took a careful look at each door, admiring the handiwork. He wasn't a smith himself, but few dwarves could go through life without learning plenty about the arts of crafting, be it with wood or metal. As he was looking at the beautifully-carved doors and doorknobs, however, Garanin found himself staring at quite the humorous scene. An elf. In fact, the elf girl from earlier, but her tiefling friend was nowhere to be found. She had apparently found her room, and was not very happy about its size, audibly complaining before closing the door behind her. Garanin shrugged and was about to continue onward, but he heard a yelp and a crash. Should he do something about it? It wouldn't hurt to introduce himself to at least one of his fellow students, even if it wasn't under the most marvelous of circumstances. Eh, screw it. Quickly moving to the door, Garanin carefully grabbed the doorknob and turned it, pushing the door in and poking his head through. "Oi, lassy, ye al-" Oh. OH. WELL, THEN. Pulling his head back into the hall and slamming the door harshly, Garanin cringed at the loud banging sound, then knocked on the door without opening it. "Ahhh...soary about that, lassy. Dinnae realize what ah was walkin' in on. Y'alright?" [@Rune_Alchemist]