[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WMeBojy.png?1[/img] [i]Meruem Kiryu[/i] - [@LeamonZest89][/center] [indent]Meruem was excited... kind of. He felt his stomach tilt but it wasn't anything nauseating, mostly a mild discomfort. He worked through it by packing his stuff up rather quickly, his journal tucked deep in his bag. As he stood up he noticed Haley closing in. A charming, welcoming smile blessed his lips. [color=orange][b]"You ready for lunch?"[/b][/color] he asked abruptly before she could get her own words out. Once she had spoken however, Meruem was noticeably disappointed, if only for a short moment. [color=orange][b]"Okay, that's cool."[/b][/color] He reached into his bag and pulled out a zip-lock bag; inside of it was a banana, thin ham sandwich, and a parcel of grapes. He slid by her. [color=orange][b]"Let's walk and talk. That way we'll get more words in,"[/b][/color] he told her, his attention divided between her in Augustus. [color=orange][b]"Just... Just hold on one moment."[/b][/color] Meruem hurried over to Augustus' desk. [color=orange][b]"I don't know about everyone else but I'm down for a chat group. Here's my number... just try not to make it perverted,"[/b][/color] he jested before passing along his number. Afterwards, he returned to Haley and led her out the door, passing by Lucas without much thought. [color=orange][b]"I'm really happy you decided to go to lunch with me, Haley. This way we can get to know each other better. Plus I have some questions for you."[/b][/color] [/indent]