[color=ec008c][h2][b][i][u]Anomaly[/u][/i][/b][/h2][/color] Xoxi walked through the town, trying to keep a low profile around people. Her jacket was nice for that, but it didn't work for everyone. A few people smiled at her while she walked, not like a friendly "How do you do, neighbor!" smile, but more or less a creepy... stalker-ish style. She got a bit nervous as she saw one man walking towards her quickly, his eyes fixated on her. Xoxi's eyes darted left and right, looking for an escape, before she eventually ducked into an alley and watched behind her as the man walked in behind her. [b]"Hey there, cutie. You should really be careful..."[/b] His voice was gruff and strained, and his clothes were wrinkled. He wore glasses that really accented his facial structure, which was objectively unappealing to Xoxi in the first place. He had a strong beer-gut going, and his hands were large and broad. He continued walking towards Xoxi as she backed away. She tried to run, but the man grabbed her by her hood, pulling her towards him and gripping her in a tight hug. His hand rubbed her stomach and shoulders as he whispered in her ear, hot breath grazing the hair that rested in front of her ear. [b]"... because people like me would love to have you."[/b] Xoxi felt a wet sensation ride her ear as she panicked, her psychic hands coming out instinctively and punching the man in the face, sending him stumbling backwards. He looked back up and saw two giant hands orbiting this amputee, her scar barely showing under her jacket, peeking out from her shirt's neck. Her left hand soared forward, colliding with the man's gut as he was forced backwards. The man raised his hands in front of him as he stuttered, trying to muster his words into a cohesive sentence. [b]"W-woah! I'm sorry, p-please let me go!"[/b] The hands dispelled as Xoxi turned around, walking out of the alley way. She muttered something as she walked onto the sidewalk, looking back at the man one last time. [color=ec008c]"If I ever see you doing that again, you won't have it so easy."[/color] Xoxi shook herself off as she returned to her path, trying not to think about what just happened.