Ada's eyes widened and she shrieked, uncrossing her arms and reeling them back as if to flinch. But just before Alvios got within range, she stepped the attack just as it shattered her wall like glass, and ran towards Shaidra, [color=9e005d]"Ok, I think we're done here, Dear. Up up! Momma wants to go home!"[/color] Like a reflex, Shadira pulled Ada into a dark cloud, and the two of them began to vanish. [color=9e005d]"I'll just let them deal with [i]him [/i]instead!"[/color] On queue, her walls melted away, and a loud hissing sound echoed from outside Alvios' windows, which had now shattered. Blup split himself into two, and tossed his new clone over to Alvios. It landed on his head harmlessly. Moments after, they both blupped in unison. [i] "Watch out!"[/i] [i] "Watch out!"[/i] A single stream of white energy flew through the windows on the edge of the room, shattering both their frames, and the walls around its entry point, leaving a 4 meter diameter hole behind itself as it flew towards both Alvios and Oz. Far outside, standing on the opposite building, across the guild's courtyard, A blonde archer nocked another stream of energy on his bow, and took aim again, in case the first shot didn't do the trick.