[@POOHEAD189], I understand [i]very[/i] well exactly what they mean, thank you, because the way people execute it and use it. "Checking your privilege." has become synonymous with saying "It's just [i]so[/i] much easier for you so shut your mouth." It has evolved well beyond any "race" context and origin it had, which in itself I find to be a lie in this day and age, especially given just how much opportunity there is for anyone. People invent their own hurdles or stick to those crafted for them in preconception. You are a woman? Prove that your gender doesn't determine you, your caliber of person as an individual does. An immigrant? Show that you are as American as anyone who was born here, if not more than through your hard work, dedication and loyalty. Minority? Make everyone look foolish for entertaining stereotypes by being whoever you are first and avoiding those things you do not wish to be. These could apply to anyone, really - they are not exclusive or limited to. I simply do not buy and will never buy the notion of "white privilege"; I certainly had none of it. As a later addition to this post, I do not conscribe to the idea of "minority oppression". You have equal opportunity, act on it. Use initiative and determination.