[b]Faction Name:[/b] House of Ruin [b]Faction Leader/Government:[/b] Noble Hierarchy [b]Brief Description of Technology:[/b] Advanced energy weapons and armor, cloaking technology, Warpdrives for interstellar travel, Personal shielding and short-range teleportation systems for high-ranking captains and officers, Complex machines known as servitors [b]Types of beings that exist in your faction:[/b] Eliksni - An agile race with four arms and two legs, giving them the ability to scale walls with ease. They have four eyes that glow a bright white-blue when they are alive, but once killed, the light dies out. They cannot survive without Ether, which is distributed to them by their Servitors. Their armor contains a supply of Ether and serves as a life support system, similar to a spacesuit. [b]Philosophy/Goals Etc:[/b] Survival [b]Brief History:[/b] After an event known as "the Whirlwind" drove the Eliksni from their homeworlds they have taken up a nomadic way of life, living aboard their massive ships and drifting in search of planets to claim for resources. The House of Ruin is the result of one Kells efforts to unify several powerful houses, making what would have been several bands of pathetic scavengers a force to be reckoned with. Since then the House of Ruin has only expanded, usually claiming abandoned worlds or taking those of weaker, ruined races. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a4/6a/f7/a46af723fe9945471ebf04bc7271a2ab--destiny-video-game-destiny-tattoo.jpg[/img] Character Template: [b]Name:[/b] Ephsor [b]Title/Rank:[/b] Kell [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Eliksni [b]Description:[/b] [img]https://i2.wp.com/planetdestiny.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/destiny-fallen-lore.png[/img] [b]Unique traits/Personality:[/b] Ephsor is clever, a good example of both brain and brawn. He is painfully aware of why his people are referred to as "The Fallen" and seeks to secure his house's place in the universe whatever it takes, even being more open to alliances with other races than previous Kells. [b]Equipment:[/b] Shrapnel Launcher, Shock pistol, 2x Shock Daggers, Miniature personal Servitor [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Ephsor is the thirteenth to take up the mantle of Kell of the House of Ruin, and though he has not reigned for long he has already led the House to wealth and glory and he aims to continue to do so, looking to territory that has gone unexplored by his predecessors. [b]Ship:[/b] [hider=The Scar] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/8a25/th/pre/f/2012/344/a/b/ship_concept_1_by_phoenix_06-d5nnnt0.jpg[/img] This massive ship is not of Eliksni origin, rather it is an old dreadnought scavenged from a now long dead race. The House of Ruin refitted and modified the ship, installing a control system to be manned by a pilot servitor, reinforced armor, heavier cannons, and a shield system. It now serves as the flagship of The House of Ruin and the seat of the current Kell. [/hider]