[@RedXCross] Since I was asked by the Co-GM, I will take the liberty to clear up your misconceptions. :^D First, as stated by the title, this is a Modern setting with a Fantasy blend mixed in. Keeping that in mind, 'the world’s your oyster in the world of weaponry!' when it comes to the Warbrand. So long as it pertains to either genre, the type of weapon it may transform into is rather generous. But they either have to be a [b]'Weapon'[/b] or a [b]'Machine'[/b]. The former being an actual weapon, in the most literal sense. You use it to bash people in, shoot 'em up. Whatever. While the latter is more abstract and serves to afflict enemies is less direct ways. It doesn't have to be scientifically sound, since this is part of the 'fantasy' aspect, but it still has to have some logic to the function. At least, that's how I interpreted this part of the Warbrand differentiation. There is a bit of vague and inconclusive data on this part, so we will convene with the GM to clear that up soon. if you need an example, my character 'Terry' uses a special gas-controlling mask, which would be considered a 'Machine'. Be creative. [quote=@TheLoneRook] ."..However, the select few who survive their initial touch of the Warbrand’s violent aura develop what we in the business call a [b]Saving Grace[/b]. This grace is what holds you together, what drives you to fight. The love of a family member, the desire for vengeance, even the malicious contempt towards death itself. This will to survive..."[/quote] Their intention does not have to be malicious, nor do they have to be psychotic. Take my character for example, they view it as a means to prevent more pain, round-about as it may seem. Some might see it as a way to escape their current life-style, a way to grant a wish. There are many ways to go about this, you simply have to think broadly.