Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] Costume: [img][/img] [img][/img] Name: Adriane Haven (Rayner) Gender: Girl Age: 42 Height:5’2’ Weight: 120 Personality: Adriane haven is a loving mother and wife. Her kids are her pride and joy and tries hard to prepare them for the world. She’s overprotective but supportive. Meeting her, you would have never imagined in your life she was once one of the most notorious Hero ever known. She is kind, and sweet and enjoys things like shopping for clothes and embarrassing her kids. However, she has a VERY short fuse and while as a hero, or mad in general, you would swear she had a split personality. She has no problem bloodying anyone's nose who piss her off or harrass her kids. Background: Adriane grew up in the United states with her father. Her mother died at childbirth. Being the only daughter and having two older brothers, her father raised her like one of the boys. Her father was a US Navy Seal, and trained both her brothers and her how to fight, shoot guns and survive. When she was 10, her father remarried and she took to her stepmom really well, gaining the love for girlish things really quickly, but still outwardly very tomboish. Throughout her years of school she wanted to become like her father, a Hero. Not that really flashy kind, but the ones who get shit done. At 12 her family was relocated to Japan in a US Naval base there. Here she went to school and decided to apply for the UA, as they really didn’t have any hero schools in America, she figured this would be really good for her. She had a hard time on the written, but blew the physical out of the water. She was always picking fights with those who messed with her new friends there, as well as aiming to be the best in her class. Through hard work and dedication she also became one of the top students in her class. This is where she met her future husband as well, though she didn’t know it till a few years later. She served in the military for a few years before becoming a reservist and becoming a Hero in Japan along with her two friends she made while in the military. Manda Alengaurd (Left) Support/medic and Ashley Tug (Midge as Adriane calls her sort for Midget as she is a midget) (Right) Weapons expert and explosives. Adriane and her friends were not the number one heros, but they were just as prominent in the news. While they did some amazing things, accomplishing things that the other pro heros wouldn't do or couldn't do. They were the ones who just got shit done. Not caring for being Politically correct, going where the evidence took them. Often taking on large gangs and the like who had guns themselves. They were not just in Japan, but they went everywhere in the world they felt they were needed. [img][/img] Soon fell in love with her highschool sweetheart again and got married, and had a kid. Didn't do much heroing after that. Especially after her second child's death. Then had twins and stopped for a few more years. Has made a small comback as of recently. Quirk: Teleportation: Same as Jett, but able to Warp about a Mile in one full out shot. Has a lot more endurance than he does, and can teleport blind into a room if she knows the layout. Talents:Hand to hand expert. Weapons expert, prefers a shotgun. Knife fighting. Cooking, being an Awesome mom.