[quote] "...defense of others."[/quote] Ally's words rang through Kiro's head. "Shaz..." He mumbled, as he clenched both of his fists. "He's only in danger now because he chose to protect me. I do need to get stronger. I need to get stronger so that if the time comes, I can protect him just like he did for me!" Kiro exclaimed with determination, as he stood up from the table. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (some undetermined amount of time later) Shaz, fearlessly, jogged his usual route. His eyes suddenly flashed upward, as he noticed a figure blocking his path up ahead. However, this figure was not a fighter, but a scrawny, alien-like creature. Niijima chuckled mischievously, as he threw out a hand to signal Shaz to come to a stop. "You..." Shaz growled, as he came to a halt, stopping about ten feet away from Niijima. "What do you want? I'm done with Yamamura." "I know you are, and I also know that Ragnarok's done with you." Niijima snickered evilly. "So what?" "So," Niijima had a more angered tone now, as the connection was clear, "you know that Zangief, that Ragnarok, is going to be out to get you! They don't let their members off so easy, you know!" He exclaimed angrily. "Get to the point, long ears!" Shaz tightened both his fists, as he was beginning to get impatient. Niijima pulled out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to Shaz. The card read: [u][b]"Shinpaku Alliance"[/b][/u], with a phone number, and a snazzy logo planted on it. "I have 546 trained fighters on stand by, ready to be deployed for battle whenever I require them." Niijima suddenly appeared at Shaz's side, as he wrapped an arm around the man. "Come on Shazzy-Boy, let's make a partnership. Join my gang. With you as a general, and so many men under our control, we'll squash those Ragnarok dweebs!" Niijima began to drool, as he imagined all of the wealth, fame, and power he could achieve from having such a powerful figure under his thumb. "Thanks, but no thanks." Shaz growled, as he crumpled up the card, and shoved Niijima out of his way. "I can handle myself." As Shaz walked away, Niijima managed to sneakily slip five more cards into the thug's jacket pocket before he got out of range. "Alright, pal," Niijima called after him, "you just go ahead and think about my offer, okay!?"