(A few days after the fight/last post...) Ally sat in the dojo, wrapping her heels and the balls of her feet in clothe. Usually she didn't do this, but recently the mat had rubbed up too much on her feet and left them blistered and irritated. While waiting for her lessons to start, she sat with her legs crossed, meditating. Many students of martial arts did this before each lesson to clear their mind and focus purely on the art. The problem was, Ally was struggling to clear her mind. All of Kiro's recent fights bothered her, not because she disapproved of fighting, but because his enemies were growing stronger, faster, and tougher. She couldn't help but wonder what was next, especially with all of Niijima's interference. Ally took a deep breath in and out, trying to focus on her soon to begin lesson. Asuka waited in her office before she started any lessons. She sat back in the wooden chair and thought about everything that happened so far. Once Kiro stepped into the dojo, everything seemed to be off balance. Before she only had one pupil to worry about. Now she had another, and this one seemed to attract trouble. It seemed every week Kiro came back with more bruises and cuts. Then again, every week he came back with new speed, strength, and knowledge. Asuka wanted to keep Kiro out of trouble, but she wondered if the best way to keep him safe was to never have accepted him into their dojo in the first place. Asuka clicked her teeth and shook her head, "Aww, come on, Asuka. You know this was the only way." And though she wanted to believe her words, she wasn't sure how much validity they held. If they never taught Kiro all he would have to face would be school bullies, not full fledged gang members. That had to be easier than this, right? Asuka took a deep breath, trying to clear her worried mind and focus on her lesson planned for today.