Rosha ignored everyone and everyone else ignored her back, she didn't ask for them to speak with her, nor did she expect them to even notice her, she soon began staring out at the sea wondering what would this mission be like, she ventured around the ship on her own silently glancing at the sailors and their equipment, then before she knew it, nightfall came and everyone began eating. Stomach growling, she joined the others in their meal, she drank a bowl of soup before the others began heading to their cots for the night, not feeling tired Rosha decided to meditate once again, but this time it was different, she got into her crossed legged position and closed her eyes feeling an out of body experience something she never felt before as she meditated many times in the past. She felt locked inside of her own mind, all control of her body was taken from her, something else was acting and she couldn't do anything about it. A heavy hit landed on her head, she couldn't get an idea where it was from with her eyes closed, then she felt as if a couple of people were carrying her before she started falling, as she fell, she hoped that she wasn't going where, she thought, but the moment she felt her entire body submerged she felt it was over for her and she was headed for the void. But the very moment her eyes opened quickly she found herself on a beach, with a starfish latched to her cheek, she pulled off the small sea creature before shaking any sand from her Gi." I don't get to see the void today." She told herself in a groggy voice, her two steel knuckles were gone, either taken by the sea or taken by who ever threw her overboard. Rosha took a breath, this wasn't the first time she was left on her own and she felt it wouldn't be her last.