"Why do you always worry so much," Blixxi whined at the bird on her shoulder. "If you keep on like this, you're gonna start molting..." The little gnome caught her tongue once she noticed the big, glossy eyes observing her. The otter shuffled his whiskers inquisitively at the pair. "Oh... hi... ummmmm.... do you have anything on..," her attention shifted momentarily to the parrot leaning between her pigtails, "... photomorphic illusions?" The otter paused for a bemused moment before chirping positively. Blixxi's colorful eyes bounced along the sleek mammal's sinusoidal gait as he loped down the aisle. "...Thanks Blixx," the parrot spoke reluctantly. The normally bright gnome's face darkened momentarily as she considered how much more she owed her cursed friend. "...Sure Wyv." She then hurried off as fast as her stumpy legs could move in pursuit of the lutrinal librarian.