"Or just don't say anything, that's cool too," Sam couldn't take the snubbing too hard though, clearly the house had been through something pretty serious while he was...incapacitated. Sam ignited his hand and looked more closely at the wreckage, there seemed to be chunks of metal everywhere. Were they attacked by a robot? How the heck did it even get in to the lodge? Well Sam didn't have time to think about that right now. He wanted to get dressed because he figured his chances of getting back to sleep before morning were probably slim. He heard a voice behind him ask if he was alright. Sam turned around, flaming hand outstretched so he could get a better look at the person. The first thing he noticed was the blue hair, Sam always found non-standard hair colours fascinating. The next thing Sam tried to determine was if this person was a man or woman, they looked like a woman, or maybe just an effeminate man, hopefully a name would clear up his confusion. "Um, ya, I'm fine, I think everyone is relatively fine," of course Sam had no clue how everyone else was, just the girl from the crash, and she seemed okay enough to ignore him and go to her room. "Not to sound rude, but who are you and why are you here? This place is pretty out of the way, so I doubt you came across us by accident. Just trying to be careful after this incident, hope you understand." Sam kept his hand ignited in case he needed to fight, after the explosion he was pretty sure it was over, but right now he was feeling a bit jumpy and paranoid.