[@Summer] Image Link: The character is Ciaran from Dark Souls. Unfortunately, she is not portrayed clearly in the game, but other artists have presented her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/45/04/dc/4504dc7ddfa70df46acc964bb0a374d1.jpg]here[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c3/47/ac/c347ac0d60c34be8ded6ec78e5d35f8c--dark-souls-lord.jpg]here[/url], and [url=http://68.media.tumblr.com/c19c980a89c81c8ee6ca3235f5993606/tumblr_miyxig5AzE1s6zwwao1_500.png]here[/url]. Additionally, my current avatar is Ciaran. Format: Signature Size: Whatever you think is most suitable. I don't know enough about image sizing to make an informed decision. Text: You humans, always taking what you please. Then, I shall do the same. Extra: I'd prefer the image to have a darker tone, like the videogame. The second image was closest in that respect, though I would like it in colour. Additionally, I'd like the two sentences in the text to be on seperate parts of the image. Watermark: No, though of course I will credit you. Is this all good? First time I've made a commission, let me know if you need more. (Also, you're really awesome at this.)