*Zeta finishes, with the help of Xan after a while, and especially after Vaseraga made sure Eustace was out cold with a couple fierce hits to the head to keep him out, and he assumes Eustace will forgive him when he wakes up. Zeta drops whatever tool she was holding in her shaking hands, and leans over to plant her forehead against Eustace's chest, cause she was in a kneeling position. She likes him a lot, btw, but he doesn't exactly share those feelings, sadly. Vaseraga leaves her for the time being, knowing about young love, cause he was once a young whipper-snapper himself. He stands and waits against a wall, watching Zeta and Eustace at the same time. He doesn't worry about Beatrix cause she's probably more capable than Zeta in the wild(Eustace and Vaseraga beat the shit out of the wild so they don't count in that technically), and easily sneakier than Eustace or himself, so she wouldn't have much trouble running from something.* --- *Beatrix gives Jilial some space, because having to carry your lover is obviously a hard thing to go through.* Beatrix: ...Gomenasai...