[color=yellow][i]Rogs behind of them, a mystery forge in front of them, dark elves possibly around them waiting or coming. Stood there looting, looking at decrepit stuff, until there were bowmen shooting and warriors on the rush. Killed the fools who turned the world over to its fate.[/i][/color] While the Skayleigh was thinking about the situation unfolding in front of him in an almost poetic manner, the urge of tossing all those items of dark-elvish origin into the molten lava around them was increasing. With a tone usually harsh even for him, he directed his words at Ursaren: [color=yellow]"Yes, I'm sure it can! Feel free to send in a team of dwarven chisellers and blacksmiths to get this place back in shape! But don't forget to tell them about our mummified bodies beforehand or they might get angry! Frankly are you interested in taking anything from this pile of dubious quality with you ?"[/color] At least the bear-man was holding one of the swords in his hand. An-Hasst let go of a sigh, but only to make room for a fresh intake of air which he could use for grumbling. [color=yellow]"I know I'm putting my self at an insanely high risk of repetition, but I think we shouldn't stand around here!"[/color] Of course the proud Skayleigh didn't consider himself to be a coward in any way, but also he didn't consider himself to be an idiot. He actually was convinced that a prolonged stay here could turn out to have been a very high risk strategy sooner than they'd think. At least Geradin appeared to be a little bit on his side. An-Hasst hadn't failed to notice that their dwarven companion was apparently opposed to any looting activity. Also he had been the first to notice that something was wrong here. The giant elf stepped over towards him and bent down in order to reduce the distance between mouth and ear. [color=yellow]"Can you sense if there are any other tunnels around here ?"[/color] [@Banana][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity][@POOHEAD189]