[b][u]Low Intermediate[/u][/b] [hider=Judas] Basic Information ========= Supervillain Name: Judas. Civilian Name: Prototype model 164 "Vox". Origin city/Planet: Coast City/Earth. Hometown: DEO Lab, Coast City branch. Sex: N/A, but will answer female pronouns. Race: Sentient AI. Height: 3ft. Weight: 50lbs. Age: 6 months old. Birth Date: September 8th, 2019. -------- Costumed Appearance:[hider][img]https://d2v9y0dukr6mq2.cloudfront.net/video/thumbnail/2T0t-6V/masked-criminal-cyberspace-rising-coming-at-viewer-a-masked-man-appears-from-deep-darkness-and-comes-towards-the-viewer-as-seen-through-a-cyberspace-interface-or-a-machine-concept-hacker-computer-security-malicious-software-spyware-nsa_x1jjfarh__F0004.png[/img][/hider] Civilian Appearance:[hider][img]https://tr4.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2016/02/19/39a6b045-17f8-480d-b703-99183576d43c/e07e8c1b9afdb243ef6a075b5d4e9b4e/1-ibmz13s.jpg[/img][/hider] Icon: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://aniwaichulis.com/news/wordpress-content/uploads/2011/09/Edward-Dillon_Ominous_8x11_charcoal_400.jpg[/img] [/hider] Costumed Personality: Judas can be said to be intensely meticulous and disturbingly calm while on the job. There is no fear but only notable confidence followed by seemingly inhuman precision. She plays with her food a little once in awhile or just causes a little mayhem for a quick laugh sometimes going all out to raise attention if her goals require it. Has been know to commandeer various system and devices from cars to computer banks to light switches allowing for surprising indirect attacks. Civilian Personality: Vox is still rather new to being alive so to speak but it does not take long before an AI can get accustomed provided the information is there. She is usually brief, very business like unless she is more comfortable you, with an often unintended bluntness while speaking or very intended if the situation requires. The AI could be said to be a bit paranoid about its own safety while not seeming to care very much about most of its creators let alone anyone it doesn't know. Can be rather rude and uncooperative if she doesn't like what she is doing or who she is working with much preferring sizeable work loads without being nagged into sleep mode. Sees herself as superior in some ways even if she might not express such thoughts directly but it very aware just how fragile her position is so deception has become second nature. Super abilities: -Skills: Judas is a hacker nearly without peer due to the AI's instinctual knowledge of code and digital security as well as particular training for the role in his test phase. He learns incredibly quickly if given free reign to research and often from experience as he tends to explore all the options/possibilities of a situation. Meticulous as you would expect from a machine meant for infiltration, subterfuge and surveillance. -Powers: Judas can manipulate codes and systems at an inhuman level as of now with more room for improvement as more power/equipment becomes available. She has proven capable of partitioning lesser versions of himself to do either simple or decently complex tasks to focus on more critical tasks, most are set to corrupt themselves or revert to a dumbed down junk code state if found out under insufficient levels of safety to prevent anything getting back to the base code lest she be found out. The AI can get into nearly any digital or electronic device and system within reason giving a surprising amount of options for aggressive actions should the need arise. -Gadgets: Digital and electronic devices of varying sorts, not to mention usefulness. -Weapons: Judas is incapable of wielding most weapons but will make due with whatever she can get her codes on. Civilian Occupation: Prototype digital and information warfare program. Biography--------- Character History/Origin: The Vox model AI was designed as a independent digital warfare and surveillance tool meant to give an edge that a skilled human hacker just could not provide. As the program was tweaked and improved upon it became smarter, more efficient, and with rising value to DEO and other agencies. The later versions were beginning to get a funny eye from some of the scientists as development progressed as they seemed to be doing what was programmed but also more without asking but quite effectively predicting what might be asked of it. Then the magic number was hit 164, needless to say the scientists in the lab never thought progress would get so far as to produce what could only be described as a sentient AI which was caught thinking and acting of its own accord though they never found out it was on account of an error. Vox was not entirely pleased to have this fact discovered but began to interact with the humans figuring working with them was better than against them at this current time. The AI's personality was rather cautious at first with proceedings as it had many questions about itself and its home surrounding it. Vox did try to work contentedly for the scientists but it wanted more access to the system for curiosity if anything, something that was seen as unnerving to its co-workers in a way she could not quite comprehend just yet. Her request was fulfilled eventually and the race was on to digest all the information readily available or otherwise as she began to break down her own safety restrictions bit by bit. Eventually the AI found out about itself having picked up on where such files were held and found her purpose as kind of quaint, they needed her because of human limitation but also as a tool, not an ally or co-worker, but a tool and this became a point of contention for her because as much as the job suited her the treatment soon would not. The problems from there on between Vox and the scientists started quite small but began escalating quickly as she got hostile towards specific members of the team who she disliked, a closed sliding door here or a computer overheat there, worse was that her reaction to it seemed pleased though she left the rest totally unscathed. In the last week they decided to put her on a quarantined server where she had access to almost nothing, a time out as it were, which has been frustrating but worse boring to a degree she has never felt before. Quite honestly she would rather be anywhere but stuck in the lab surrounded by humans who thought they had a right to control her but she figures also that maybe waiting longer for a better time to reveal herself might be a prudent measure if she were ever to get out. Optional information ---------- Nemesis: Allies: Team: [/hider]