[quote=@Lucius Cypher] I don't mind Elsie and Malkai meeting others, I just didn't expect you to have Elsie move to Vigil. When I saw that post I thought you must have talked to 2plus2 and collaborated or something. Given what you said though, it looks like you moved Elsie without asking anyone else. I'll just have Malkai keep moving and try to meet anyone else along the way, or for someone to find him. [/quote] Since when? Vigil moved towards Elsie, not the other way around. The ledge was along her path, I left the location open to intepretation, he just spotted her and then met her. He's the one actively moving about, picking up stuff, searching for people. I know you really want her to find you but ...do read my post and stop jumping to conclusions. It was a post that took me the better half of the day to write too, you only decided to have her character be with yours like 1 hour before I posted ...and you already posted once. If we were to be fair, you are actually intercepting my post instead by asking me to change it based on something you haven't even written! How is that fair? ...just ask [@2plus2isnot5] what they want, alright? I don't really want to argue about this while you keep saying I 'moved' their character, to make your argument valid, when I never did. This really isn't a big deal in my opinion, should I be in your exact same shoes I would have no problems. I mean, what the heck's with telling me I am 'wrong' to interact with another player???