*John shrugs, not knowing what to say.* John: I think so. *He does his best to help drag Horus, and remains quiet.* --- *Sasha draws her sword, which crackles with energy.* Sasha: Alright Taboo shut the fuck up, or I will gut you! *She rounds on Merg.* Put that fucking rusty sword away before I break it. *She turns up the Amperage on her sword, which seems to spit more energy.* --- *Jillian watches Zeta and Vaseragea work on Eustace, and remains silent.* *When Vaserage leaves she leaves as well, and watches the giant scythe dude leave.* *She then lights a cigarette, and sits outside where ever the surgery was.* --- *Gordon casually walks into the room, and goes into the kitchen.* *He looks in the fridge, and starts looking at what is there.* *After finding a large chunk of ham, he grabs it, and stabs it with a strange mechanical device into it.*