Jing Shen As Shen is approaching this man, fire springs to life in his right hand! Shen’s eyes wide agaze, he is transfixed by the beautiful flames dancing hypnotically in his hand! Shen heard ghostly whispers of others with phenomenal gifts from the heavens, but nary before did he see it with such crystal clarity before! He had won Shen’s trust, allowing Shen to breathe a sigh of relief. The mysterious stranger then spoke to Shen, telling him that he is uninjured, but asked him the meaning behind his presence. He thought it was reasonable for the man to accuse him of such a thing considering the circumstances, and wanted to ensure the man knew that he held no such desires. Shen slowly raises his hands above and behind his hand as he stared with sincerity into his bright orange eyes. “I understand. My name is Jing Shen. I came here to find a teacher to help me master my gift. I have no intention of harming you. I heard an explosion from outside and I don’t know what is going on.” Shen gently lowered his hands, his left hand flat with a tucked in thumb hovering over his square brick right hand, similar to a Tai Chi greeting. He now proceeds to bow at a 90 degree angle, exposing his back to the man. “I want to help in whatever way I can. I promise.”